Sunday, February 20, 2011

T & T photo session 2

When we started the session out the sun was shining and not in the right position I needed but they still turned out cute!  If only we could get Tanner to pose with his mouth unopen lol!  They were both good sports and deserve a big pat on the back. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

T & T

Today I got the joy of taking a few pictures of my sweet nephews.  They are such a joy to be around and always make me laugh, not to mention very well behaved.  When I came into the family, we called Taylor our child because we took him everywhere with us and he was always comming over. My family just thought we had adopted him lol.  Sitting here going through these pictures, I can just remember them as babies and to look at them now, they have just grown up to be amazing boys and we have yet to see what these boys will do in the future, but I am sure it will have a great impact on many people.  I am very honored to be called there aunt and and truly blessed to have them in my life. We will be taking more pictures this week when it warms up because they were freezing!  As the time progressed you could tell in the pictures they were shivering, so we wrapped it up pretty quickly.